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We also wanted to thank our guest speakers for this month, Price Hightower and Jenn Swanson. Price shared with us How to Pursue a Mentor and Become a Mentor, and God Does Not Waste Pain. Jenn taught us how to Pay Attention & Be Present, and ways to Create a Collaborative Workplace.
In today’s episode of Small-Time Leaders, the host, Michael Alan Tate shares how one question changed his life. While attending college and working at UPS his manager Connie Parsons keeps assigning Mike project after project. After a while, Mike learned to use every new project as a learning experience and grow from it. Months go by and the manager asks Michael a very deep and fundamental question. No explaining why no big lecture. Nothing! Just a question. Listen to today’s episode to see how that deep question changes Michael’s career and life perspective.
Michael’s latest book, Roll Up Your Sleeves, is a story about how a father figure poured wisdom into the lives of four young men to help them understand how to guide others in changing times. It is now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and independent local bookstores. Roll Up Your Sleeves teaches people how to Lead and Live in a Constant Changing World with easy applications. You can take a look by visiting the book visit http://rollupsleevesbook.com/
To learn more about Small Time Leaders podcast and Michael’s the Leadership & Life Journal blog- a new way to think about at the important things you already know, go to at https://michaelalantate.com/