On the Same Page Consulting
Career | Team | Organization
a Michael Alan Tate Company
Thank you for taking a look at my website. I never really wanted a website, but it seems necessary these days. Since I had to have one, I thought I’d make it as enjoyable as possible and share a few helpful ideas, resources, as well as some cool outdoor and dog photos with you.
If you look at the tabs above, you notice that I’ve written a few books, pen a blog, and host a 10-minute podcast. But the main thing I do to make a living is guide executives and their teams to get on the same page with strategic planning and leadership succession, hence the name of my firm – On the Same Page Consulting. Clever huh?
A lot of information is on this website, probably too much, but do look around. If you see something interesting, let me know and since all my work is custom-made (or as my friend Jo from the UK says, “bespoke”), often the first step is to schedule a conversation so we can get to know each other and explore how I might help you, so feel free to contact me.

Lessons from the Field
While coaching executives in transition is my profession, coaching bird dogs is a lifelong passion. These fine creatures have taught me many lessons that I have incorporated in my own life, as well as in my executive coaching.
Client Comments
Mike is a great resource for team planning. He will provide a method to turn around a struggling department. A fantastic personal resource for your individual development
Save yourself the heartache and headaches of once again ‘not quite getting it right’ and get it right this time. Mike Tate brings superior insight, intellect and experience to the table.
Mike truly wants you and your organization to be successful, easy to talk to and it is evident he has a passion for what he does. He's straightforward and will tell you what you need to hear.
Guiding Principles:
A darn good plan today is better than a perfect plan 9 months from tomorrow.
Purpose-driven outperforms profit-driven every time.
One size fits one. Most things that worked “there” won’t work “here.”
The Rule of Three, Galls Law and 80/20.
Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will succeed. Proverbs 16:3