Strategic Planning or Strategic Planting
Strategic Planning – Running a High Performing Organization
Strategic Planning is control focused. Often called the art of the general, the premise is to set up a sequence of moves that capitalizes on your strengths and exploits your competitor’s weaknesses so that you win, and they lose. Building a numbers-driven accountability culture is the foundational goal. For decades this blood-on-the-field military approach has been the norm, but with limited success. Note: A 2019 McKinsey Quarterly survey of nearly 800 executives reported that only 45% of respondents were satisfied with the strategic-planning process. Only 23% indicated that major strategic decisions were made within its confines
Strategic Planting ™
Strategic Planting™ is freedom focused. I call this method the art of the gardener. Strategic Planting concentrates all resources on culture building and places little weight on outside competition, except to learn from their mistakes. Creating a life-giving culture with emotionally-engaged responsibility is the goal. When leadership intentionally invests in a growing a corporate culture where people know “for sure” that they have the freedom to take risks, and are also resourced to invent a better future, they gladly take responsibility. Performance improves intrinsically – instead of being manipulated to achieve an accountable number. “Culture eats strategy for breakfast” – Peter Drucker
Interested? Since all my consulting and coaching projects are handcrafted, often the first step is to schedule a conversation so we can get to know each other and explore how I might help you, so feel free to contact me.