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We also wanted to thank our guest speakers for this month, Romina Muhametaj and Brian Ahearn. Romina shared the importance Painting the Picture Explaining the Why, and how Patience Helps You Grow. Brian taught us how to Small Decisions Can Change Life Path and Luck is Where Preparation & Opportunity Meet.
In today’s episode of Small-Time Leaders, the host, Michael Tate share with us how Paul demonstrated to him what it takes to find success. Paul shared with Mike how the 1985 Harley Davidsons Road Glide saved his family and brought him back happiness.
Michael’s latest book, Roll Up Your Sleeves, is now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and independent local bookstores. Roll Up Your Sleeves teaches people how to Lead and Live in a Constant Changing World with simple applications. Take a closer look at the book and experience a new way of working through an unexpected change in your life and career by taking the 2-minute My Change Management Style Quiz http://rollupsleevesbook.com/
To learn more about Michael’s Leadership and Life Transition services and see his Leadership & Life Journal blog- a new way to think about at the important things you already know, go to at https://michaelalantate.com/